
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Japanese Battleship Nagato.

Built in 1920, the Nagato was a revolutionary innovation in the field of 'battleship' for its time. It was the first class of a battleship with 406mm guns, eight of which were on board. In addition, the ship had twenty 140mm guns, four 79mm anti-aircraft guns, and eight 533mm torpedo tubes. The hull armor ranged from 102mm to 305mm in thickness, the deck was 38 to 75mm thick, and the turret and conning tower armor was 305mm thick. The end of the Nagato came after an atomic test at Bikini on July 29, 1946, when it sank five days later through all the leaks to the seabed. Its sister ship, Mutsu , had already been wrecked in June 1943 after an explosion in a warehouse.

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