
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Gun casings litter the deck of the USS Caron (DD-970) to port and starboard of mount (MT) 51 (5 inch 54 caliber gun). At the time, MT 52 (aft gun) was out of commission and on the casualty report (CASREP) list. So, ammunition had to be manually hauled forwarded by the spirited "Can Do" Caron crew (I believe the phrase "Can Do" was coined by our executive officer, Cdr Bob Crawshaw, during our overhaul in 1982). Beginning on the evening of 8 February, the Caron fired about 450 rounds at Syrian missle targets in the mountains 15 to 20 east of Beirut, Lebanon. The USS Caron (DD-970) and USS New Jersey fired throughout the night. I'll never forget the power of the New Jersey's gun battery. Even though it was nearly 10 miles southwest of us the bulkhead rattled in my stateroom. Nor will I forget observing the ferris wheel each evening that entertained the citizens of Beirut, Lebanon. Overall, the USS Caron fired over 600 rounds during its 1983 to 84 cruise, about 590 off the coast of Beirut and about 20 off the coast of Grenada.


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